Face-to-face classes available now - Learn Chinese / Japanese / Korean in London - 0208 935 5183

Claire Wang
簡介 / Introduction
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C姐簡介 / Claire's Profile
Claire Wang 王喬蕾

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● 英國Link Chinese Academy 資深華語教師
● 加拿大 溫哥華聯合中文學校 華語教師
● 加拿大 溫哥華 Crocodile Mandarin 華語教師
● 加拿大 溫哥華 Fluent Mandarin 華語教師
● 英國SOAS University of London TCFL PG Diploma
● 加拿大 Sprott-Shaw College, TESOL, TEC, 英語教學專業證書
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Japanese Beginner Level 1In the 6 week course you will explore a variety of interesting topics: Lesson 1: Introducing yourself / Greeting in Japanese Culture: How to greet to people in Japan Lesson 2: Asking for directions-1 Culture: Tips for cheap travel in Japan Lesson 3: Asking for directions-2 Culture: Subway stations in Japan Lesson 4: Shopping in Japan-1(asking for the price) Culture: Gift giving culture in Japan Lesson 5: Shopping in Japan-2(clothing shopping) Culture: Japanese traditional clothing Lesson 6: Convenience stores and restaurants Culture: Do and Do not in Japan
Japanese Upper Beginner Level 1 (JLPT N5-N1)Over the 10 week course you will explore a variety of interesting topics: Lesson 1: Respond to greetings Lesson 2: At the electronics store 1 Lesson 3: Using question words in Japanese Lesson 4: At the electronics store 2 Lesson 5: Counter suffix in Japanese Lesson 6: Yesterday’s shopping 1 Lesson 7: Past affirmative and past negative Lesson 8: Yesterday’s shopping 2 Lesson 9: Emphasize an action was not / is not / will not be done at all Lesson 10: Final revision & culture activity
Chinese Beginner Level 1In the 6 week course you will explore a variety of interesting topics: Greeting How to introduce one’s name and nationality Expressing time, years, months and dates How to ask prices and talk about money Ordering food, making requests and paying the bill Talking about family, occupations and age How to make and answer phone calls
Chinese Upper Beginner Level 1 (HSK 2)Chinese Uppper Beginner Level 1 is ideal for anyone around HSK2 level. This means the student can read some basic Chinese characters and is able to greet people, introduce oneself and understand simple phrases. To find out what level you are, you can take our free HSK Level Quiz.
Chinese Intermediate Level 1 (HSK 3)Chinese Intermediate Level 1 is ideal for anyone around HSK3 level. This means the student can confidently read simple Chinese characters and can participate in simple conversations about a variety of topics. To find out what level you are, you can take our free HSK Level Quiz.

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