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Top 5 Tik Tok Accounts for Korean

Tik Tok is the latest social media sensation taking the world by storm. It has grown in rapidly in popularity over the past few years and its short form video content can actually be an incredibly useful learning tool, with lessons being light and easy to digest. This makes it easy to tune in daily and practise what you learn in your spare time.
There are many accounts out there linked to Korean learning. Most of them are aimed at beginner and intermediate learners but there is also a wealth of cultural and informal language content that will be of interest to more advanced students.
Below we've comprised a list of our absolute favourite accounts to follow when learning Korean. Check them out and be sure to let us know if there's one you want to add to the list!
5. @ryanhaleyt
Level: Beginner / Intermediate
Educational Content: ️️️️️
Cultural Elements:

Ryan Hale is a 21 year old American linguist who spends his time speaking Korean to people who don't expect it and filming their reactions.
Not only is the content funny and interesting, it's also hugely motivational for people just starting out on their Korean language journey. It shows what can be achieved and the positive reaction it almost always generates in Korean speakers when they learn you can communicate in their language.
There is very little content dedicated specifically to education but you will undoubtedly learn something watching these videos and will get an interesting insight into Korean culture.
4. @mehtapisme
Level: All levels
Educational Content: ️️️️️
Cultural Elements:

This account doesn't spend much time trying to teach you language. What it does instead is take you through some common experiences in Korea from the eyes of a foreigner.
The content is often humorous and gives an interesting insight into Korean culture and social interaction from an outside perspective. The videos do include a lot of Korean language, which is subtitled in both Korean and English to help you understand what's happening.
For insight into Korean relationships, restaurant culture and much more, this is definitely one of the best accounts out there!
3. @kunkorean
Level: Begginer and up
Educational Content: ️️️️️
Cultural Elements:

Kunkorean is a great little account for bitesize Korean lessons. Content covers all number of of useful language elements from popular expressions to how to sound more polite or casual.
There is also a section of videos dedicated to K-Drama phrases, which keeps the account light hearted and culturally relevant. Anyone with an interest in Korean culture will be sure to enjoy learning the language associated with it, however culture is not discussed directly.
In fact, most of the videos follow a 'read after me' format, making them highly educational and easy to follow. All you need to do is browse the video titles and pick the lesson you want to take that day!
2. @korean_hamin
Level: Beginner / Intermediate
Educational Content: ️️️️️
Cultural Elements:

Korean Hamin features educational content based around frequently used phrases. It's strength is the sheer volume of topics available and the easy to follow, palatable way in which the information is presented.
Lessons typically follow a listen and repeat format, which is perfect for shorter videos where longer explanation can be difficult.
Many of the videos are funny and the ones with guest presenters often delve into more cultural aspects of Korean language. A definite must for the beginers and intermediate learners out there!
1. @inakimieee
Level: All Levels
Educational Content: ️️️️️
Cultural Elements:

Inakimieee makes the top of our list for several reasons. 1 - Her educational content is great and focuses on day to day use. For example, there is a series about phrases for the coffee shop. Not only does this make content easier to find, it also makes it more enjoyable to consume and easier to apply in real life.
2 - Her English is really good. Many of the other presenters in these videos only speak Korean or speak English with a strong accent. However, this account uses English explanations very well, making it easy to understand even for beginners.
3 - The videos on this account then to be slightly longer than those on the rest of the list. Kimi spends a lot of time explaining WHY the language works the way it does, rather than just teaching you the actual words.
If you only follow one account today this should be it!
Now you have some cool resources to help you learn Korean in your spare time, why not further improve by booking some classes with one of our Korean teachers?
We offer both private and group classes for all levels and will be happy to help you find the best way for you to study. We hope to see you soon!